My brother called them out on the forums and he was sanctioned. But they ban normal people who actually support them by paying for subscription and buying their merch.

I myself reported such bots and multi loggers with actual proof and no action was taken. They ban random players while we still have hundred of thousand bots and multi loggers on mono account servers( single accounts). First of all, their auto ban system is broken. I've seen all the good the game has to offer(the actual game is amazing), but the company that runs the game is ruining it. I've been playing the game since 2006 so I am a veteran. If you`re new to this company, highly recommend to find a substitute, nothing to waste much time on here. And, that`s why you`ve probably didn`t hear about them from games media like IGG, Gamestop (and Kotaku since 2012), but hear everytime about much smaller and less famous companies, which build their names on the great products they make. That`s why the quality stays at the same below average level. Company`s mindstyle, as I`ve experienced by using the products for these 8 years, is profit->dev/quality, than dev/quality->profit. And, even on profitable projects, the development is 80% concentrated on cosmetics than on something really worthwile. Products, like Krosmaga, Krosmaster Arena, Gamakna were (sometimes nearly) completely abolished, so even though you might still find those sites, which are made for each product specifially, the actual development has been completely stopped. Company brands itself as a niche in game industry, which is partially true, but there`s a worse side overshading this positive side. `ve been familiar with the company and their products since the 2014.